Constraint Discovery and Verification for Pandas DataFrames

Posted on Thu 03 November 2016 in TDDA


In a previous post, Constraints and Assertions, we introduced the idea of using constraints to verify input, output and intermediate datasets for an analytical process. We also demonstrated that candidate constraints can be automatically generated from example datasets. We prototyped this in our own software (Miró) expressing constraints as lisp S-expressions.

Improving and Extending the Approach: Open-Source Pandas Code

We have now taken the core ideas, polished them a little and made them available through an open-source library, currently on Github. We will push it to PyPI when it has solidified a little further.

The constraint code I'm referring to is available in the constraints module of the tdda repository for the tdda user on github. So if you issue the command

git clone

in a directory somewhere on your PYTHONPATH, this should enable you to use it.

The TDDA library:

  • is under an MIT licence;
  • runs under Python2 and Python3;
  • other than Pandas itself, has no dependencies outside the standard library unless you want to use feather files (see below);
  • includes a base layer to help with building constraint verification and discovery libraries for various systems;
  • includes Pandas implementations of constraint discovery and verification through a (Python) API;
  • uses a new JSON format (normally stored in .tdda files) for saving constraints;
  • also includes a prototype command-line tool for verifying a dataframe stored in feather format against a .tdda file of constraints. Feather is a file format developed by Wes McKinney (the original creator of Pandas) and Hadley Wickham (of ggplot and tidyverse fame) for dataframes that allows interchange between R and Pandas while preserving type information and exact values. It is based on the Apache Arrow project. It can be used directly or using our ugly-but-useful extension library pmmif, which allows extra metadata (including extended type information) to be saved alongside a .feather file, in a companion .pmm file.


All the constraint-handling code is in the constraints module within the TDDA repository.

After you've cloned the repository, it's probably a good idea to run the tests. There are two sets, and both should run under Python2 or Python3.

$ cd tdda/constraints
$ python
Ran 5 tests in 0.003s


$ python
Ran 21 tests in 0.123s


There is example code (which we'll walk through below) in the examples subdirectory of constraints.

Basic Use

Constraint Discovery

Here is some minimal code for getting the software to discover constraints satisfied by a Pandas DataFrame:

import pandas as pd
from tdda.constraints.pdconstraints import discover_constraints

df = pd.DataFrame({'a': [1,2,3], 'b': ['one', 'two',]})
constraints = discover_constraints(df)
with open('/tmp/example_constraints.tdda', 'w') as f:

(This is the core of the example code in tdda/constraints/examples/, and is included in the docstring for the discover_constraints function.)

Hopefully the code is fairly self-explanatory, but walking through the lines after the imports:

  • We first generate a trivial 3-row DataFrame with an integer column a and a string column b. The string column includes a Pandas null (NaN).
  • We then pass that DataFrame to the discover_constraints function from tdda.constraints.pdconstraints, and it returns a DatasetConstraints object, which is defined in tdda.constraints.base.
  • The resulting constraints object has a to_json() method which converts the structured constraints into a JSON string.
  • In the example, we write that to /tmp/example_constraints.tdda; we encourage everyone to use the .tdda extension for these JSON constraint files.

This is what happens if we run the example file:

$ cd tdda/constraints/examples

$ python
Written /tmp/example_constraints.tdda successfully.

$ cat /tmp/example_constraints.tdda
    "fields": {
        "a": {
            "type": "int",
            "min": 1,
            "max": 9,
            "sign": "positive",
            "max_nulls": 0,
            "no_duplicates": true
        "b": {
            "type": "string",
            "min_length": 3,
            "max_length": 3,
            "max_nulls": 1,
            "no_duplicates": true,
            "allowed_values": [

As you can see, in this case, the system has 'discovered' six constraints for each field, and it's rather easy to read what they are and at least roughly what they mean. We'll do a separate post describing the .tdda JSON file format, but it's documented in tdda/constraints/ in the repository (which—through almost unfathomable power of Github—means you can see it formatted here).

Constraint Verification

Now that we have a .tdda file, we can use it to verify a DataFrame.

First, let's look at code that should lead to a successful verification (this code is in tdda/constraints/examples/

import pandas as pd
from tdda.constraints.pdconstraints import verify_df

df = pd.DataFrame({'a': [2, 4], 'b': ['one',]})
v = verify_df(df, 'example_constraints.tdda')

print('Passes: %d' % v.passes)
print('Failures: %d\n\n\n' % v.failures)

Again, hopefully the code is fairly self-explanatory, but:

  • df is a DataFrame that is different from the one we used to generate the constraints, but is nevertheless consistent with the constraints.
  • The verify_df function from tdda.constraints.pdconstraints takes a DataFrame and the location of a .tdda file and verifies the DataFrame against the constraints in the file. The function returns a PandasVerification object. The PandasVerification class is a subclass of Verification from tdda.constraints.base, adding the ability to turn the verification object into a DataFrame.
  • All verification objects include passes and failures attributes, which respectively indicate the number of constraints that passed and the number that failed. So the simplest complete verification is simply to check that v.failures == 0.
  • Verification methods also include a __str__ method. Its output currently includes a section for fields and a summary.
  • the .to_frame() method converts a PandasVerification into a Pandas DataFrame.

If we run this, the result is as follows:

$ python
Passes: 12
Failures: 0


a: 0 failures  6 passes  type   min   max   sign   max_nulls   no_duplicates ✓

b: 0 failures  6 passes  type   min_length   max_length   max_nulls   no_duplicates   allowed_values ✓


Passes: 12
Failures: 0

  field  failures  passes  type   min min_length   max max_length  sign  \
0     a         0       6  True  True        NaN  True        NaN  True
1     b         0       6  True   NaN       True   NaN       True   NaN

  max_nulls no_duplicates allowed_values
0      True          True            NaN
1      True          True           True

In the DataFrame produced from the Verification

  • True indicates a constraint that was satisfied in the dataset;
  • False indicates a constraint that was not satisfied in the dataset;
  • NaN (null) indicates a constraint that was not present for that field.

As you would expect, the field, failures and passes columns are, respectively, the name of the field, the number of failures and the number of passes for that field.

If we now change the DataFrame definition to:

df = pd.DataFrame({'a': [0, 1, 2, 10,],
                   'b': ['one', 'one', 'two', 'three',]})

(as is the case in tdda/constraints/examples/, we now expect some constraint failures. If we run this, we see:

$ python
Passes: 5
Failures: 7


a: 4 failures  2 passes  type   min   max   sign   max_nulls   no_duplicates ✓

b: 3 failures  3 passes  type   min_length   max_length   max_nulls   noh_duplicates   allowed_values ✗


Passes: 5
Failures: 7

  field  failures  passes  type    min min_length    max max_length   sign  \
0     a         4       2  True  False        NaN  False        NaN  False
1     b         3       3  True    NaN       True    NaN      False    NaN

  max_nulls no_duplicates allowed_values
0     False          True            NaN
1      True         False          False

Final Notes

There are more options and there's more to say about the Pandas implementation, but that's probably enough for one post. We'll have follow-ups on the file format, more options, and the foibles of Pandas.

If you want to hear more, follow us on twitter at @tdda0.